How to customize the scrollbar in your web page

To customize the look-and-feel of the scrollbar in your web page, paste the CSS Code below to the style sheet of your template. Just replace the values(e.g. #4293E4) of the scrollbar properties(e.g. scrollbar-face-color) with your preferred color names/hex values.

CSS Code:
body, html {
  scrollbar-face-color: #4293E4;
  scrollbar-track-color: #607183;
  scrollbar-arrow-color: #FFFFFF;
  scrollbar-shadow-color: #527AA8;
  scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #374A5F;
  scrollbar-highlight-color: #B4D8FC;
  scrollbar-3dlight-color: #73AAE9

To better edit the CSS Code above, see and analyze the scrollbar diagram below: (click to enlarge picture)

» Customization of scrollbar colors is supported only in Internet Explorer.
» Scrollbar properties are invalid CSS information.

Good luck! :)

How to customize the scrollbar in your Blogger blogs:

For New Blogger Layout users, paste the CSS Code above to your template, somewhere before this:

For Classic HTML Template users, paste the CSS Code above to your template, somewhere before this:

Good luck! :)

How to hide the Blogger Navbar

Before you hide the Navbar of your Blogger blog, take another look at its features first. (click the diagram below)

To hide the navbar, paste the code below to the style sheet of your Blogger layout/template.

#navbar-iframe {
display: none !important

For New Blogger Layout users, paste the code above to your template, somewhere before this:

For Classic HTML Template users, paste the code above to your template, somewhere before this:

Good luck! :)

Rest In Peace IE6

Internet Explorer 6 is dead. To cling to it is such a bad idea, because using a dead browser for normal browsing is like eating double-dead meat. If IE6 is still your browser today, I suggest that you either upgrade or switch to any other healthy browser for obvious reasons. Newer browser versions provide greater features and higher levels of security so whichever browser you use, I suggest you keep it up to date.

Alternative browsers:
Mozilla Firefox | Safari | Google Chrome | Opera

Internet - The cheapest around-the-world trip ticket

Connect to the internet then browse the web to see different places, meet different people, learn about different cultures & hear different voices. Traveling around the world has never been this easy & affordable.


Looking for a horrible internet experience? Use a dial-up connection.

At a speed of about 28.8 Kbps, you may be able to finish your homework, form a business plan or do some household chores while waiting for your target pages to fully load. Opening another browser window will let you achieve even more things. And if you are thinking of watching a 20-minute-video clip on YouTube or elsewhere, "sweet dreams".